Part of the gameplay involves a high school student obtaining tobacco products for another student, in order to trade for an item to progress the storyline. Once traded, the other student is then depicted smoking. Later scenes also shown other students and adults smoking.
Other issues
The plot touches on a range of sensitive issues, including depression, anxiety, bullying, domestic abuse and attempted suicide. However, the focus in on overcoming these issues.
Violence is generally only implied, with characters taking up fighting postures and making gestures towards each other without making clear physical contact. Any implied contact is covered by flash effects. There is a reference to a cat being accidentally run over, although this is not shown. The cat’s body can be seen lying on the road after the event.
Dialogue includes use of bad language, including ‘prick’, ‘bitch’, ‘shit’, ‘bastard’, ‘screw’ and ‘ass’. There are references to alcohol.